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More Clients Waitlist
Be first to be notified when the doors open to the next round of More Clients!

Early Bird Goodies for the First 10 People That Join!

This program was created by a therapist for therapists who want more clients to work with in their practice. 

More Clients teaches you how to build your audience and create consistency with inquiries and bookings in a way that is true to you and values-consistent.

Doors open twice a year! Get on the waitlist now and be first to be notified. 

Early bird goodies await the first 10 that join!

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See you soon!

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

More Clients WaitlistBe first notified when the doors to More Clients open in 2025!$0
  • Total payment
  • 1xMore Clients Waitlist$0

All prices in AUD
