Decode The Hidden Potential of Your Business Across 6 Vital Areas in Just 60 Minutes!
Uncover how your unique Money Archetypes shape your Time, Finances, Team, Pricing, Sales, and Relationships – and map
your path to the thriving business you dream of...
Get Started Right Away! 
With the Business Insights Reading, I'm going to show you how to transform 6 vital areas of your business by understanding your unique Money Archetypes!

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Money Archetypes® Business Insights$97

Get ready to spend less time working on your business and see cash coming in more than ever before! By the end of this personalised reading, you will know:

Time / Freedom Kickstart!: We're setting your schedule to "awesome o'clock" - more you-time, less stress-time!


Money Mojo: Get ready to high-five your bank account! We're cooking up a financial feast that'll have your business thriving and your wallet smiling.


Dream Team Delight: Picture a support squad so aligned, they practically read your mind. Let's build your practice's A-team and watch the magic unfold! 

Fee Happy Dance: Discover the joy of perfectly priced products, programs and services! We're designing fees that'll put a spring in your step and a smile on your clients' faces.

Marketing Magic: Dust your business with some pixie dust! We'll have potential clients and customers lining up to book sessions, enrol in programs and download your goodies! 

Network Glow & Grow: Blossom into the go-to business in town! We're nurturing your relationships and reputation, and you'll hardly lift a finger.

  • Total payment
  • 1xMoney Archetypes® Business Insights$97

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