FREE Private Practice Marketing Templates, Live Coaching Calls, Swipe Files and More Coming Your Way in Just....

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Go From Overlooked to Fully Booked - FREE 3 Day Training

Hey there! 

I'm Brooklyn and I help therapists with all things private practice. One of the big challenges that I see our community face, is that their marketing just isn't working. 

I happen to LOVE marketing and I know why yours isn't working and how we can fix it. So, I thought let's run another free workshop so you can see real results and start filling your diaries, getting more eyes on your business and attracting new opportunities! 

If you know me, you know I love a theme and this time around I thought we could have fun with a theme from the Netflix series of 'Mad Men' (the advertising men of Maddison Ave). 

What's Inside the FREE Training for Mad About Marketing: Strategies for Therapists & Health Professionals That Want to go From Overlooked to Fully Booked : 

  Day One: Leave With Your New Discovery Call Offer 

                        and Know Exactly What to Say to Increase

                        Conversions (Increase Bookings)

  Day Two: Increase Traffic to Your Website, Build Your

                       Audience and Get Bookings While You Sleep

  Day Three: Leave with an Automated Call Booking 

                       Process For Your Private Practice

Each day is a practical workshop where you receive templates, swipe files, resources, and more to help you get a result.

Submit your work in the exclusive community for feedback, help and support during the week! 

Prizes for progress, implementation and completion are sprinkled throughout the event!

Contact information

Billing address

Special Offer! 
VIP Upgrade 

Private 60-minute Q&A session with Brooklyn - available after each live training. Note: These are group sessions, not 1:1 calls, and are exclusively for upgraded members only. Calls will be recorded, and you'll have lifetime access to the replays

CPD / OPD Certificate 

3 Workshop Replays - lifetime access so you can watch them in your own time!

All the Templates, Workbooks, Swipe Files and Resources all in one place so you never lose them - lifetime access!

BONUS: 30 Social Media Templates that are not part of the workshop so you can get more eyes on your practice! These are designed in the FREE version of Canva so you can easily make them your own!

BONUS: More Clients Meditation so that you can start calling in the right clients that you choose instead of the ones that you end up with

Lifetime Access to These Resources
Add to cart$47.00

See you soon!

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Marketing WorkshopOnce you register, you'll receive an email with your login details and call links so keep an eye on your inbox!$0
  • Total payment
  • 1xMad About Marketing Free Workshop$0

All prices in AUD

FREE Resources When You Come Along!
And more - all free!