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Diploma Counsellors: Embark on a Journey of Empowerment, Excellence, and Endless Support with Peers Who Get It

Your hard work has paid off with that diploma, and your passion is the cherry on top. I’m stepping in with the resources, guidance, and a supportive network. Let's elevate your counselling journey together, find your voice and become confident, connected and completely unstoppable.

Imagine this: You're right there, at the edge of everything you've ever wanted for your practice. Diploma in hand, you're pumped and ready to make a difference. But then, there's this tiny voice asking, 'What if I'm not enough?' You're not alone in this. So many incredible counsellors with diplomas are feeling the exact same way—overlooked, questioning, and a bit stuck.

Here's what you're probably going through...

  • Feeling Like You're in the Background: Sometimes, it feels like your diploma doesn’t quite shine as bright in a world that often seems to favour degrees. It's like you're trying to speak up in a room where everyone else's voice is just a little louder, and you wonder, 'Does my journey even matter here?'

  • That Nagging Doubt: Imposter syndrome is real, especially when you're comparing your journey to others who've taken a different path. It's like, 'Am I really cut out for this?' even though deep down, you know you've got what it takes. 

  • Craving Connection: Ever feel like you're the only one fighting this battle? It's hard finding others who get the unique challenges you're facing when you have a Diploma, people who cheer for you, understand the ups and downs, and actually get what you're going through.

  • Searching for the Right Fit: It's frustrating, right? Wanting to grow and find resources that actually speak to where you're at — not just generic advice, but the real, practical stuff that can help you move forward.

  • Ready but Hesitant: There's this moment, right before you're about to jump into something big, where everything feels uncertain. You're ready to make your mark, but those doubts about qualifications can really hold you back from taking that leap.

Or you could step into a community of diploma-qualified counsellors, and here’s the beautiful shift that happens when you do:  

  • You’re Instantly Part of the Family: Imagine walking into a room where everyone turns around, smiles, and says, ‘We’ve been waiting for you.’ That’s what it feels like. Here, you’re not just another member; you’re a vital part of a family that gets you, believes in you, and cheers for you every step of the way. 

  • Your Confidence Starts to Soar: It’s like finding the missing piece that makes everything click into place. Surrounded by peers who understand your journey and recognise your achievements, you’ll start to see your own value in a whole new light. Your diploma isn’t just a piece of paper; it’s a powerful testament to your skills and heart. 

  •  Growth Becomes a Daily Ritual: With access to resources, workshops, and conversations tailored just for you, growing your practice isn’t just a goal—it’s what you do every day. It’s about evolving in ways that feel aligned with who you are and the counsellor you want to become. 

  • Opportunities Begin Knocking: No more feeling stuck or wondering what’s next. In this community, opportunities for referrals, collaborations, and expanding your practice come to you. It’s about opening doors you might not have even known were there, all because you’re surrounded by the right people. 

  • You Find Your Voice: Maybe you’ve been holding back, unsure of where you fit in the counselling world. But here, you’ll find your voice and learn to use it with confidence. Whether it’s in a group session, a one-on-one chat, or leading your own workshop, you’ll discover the power of sharing your story and insights in a community that listens. Joining this community isn’t just about finding a place to belong. It’s about stepping into a version of yourself you’ve always dreamed of: confident, connected, and completely unstoppable.

Hi! I'm Brooklyn

The journey to creating the Diploma Counsellor Society (DCS) started from a place of frustration and a deep desire for change. I was heartbroken to witness the way counsellors with diplomas were being diminished in online communities—spaces that were meant to uplift and support. What should have been sanctuaries turned into battlegrounds, with hurtful comments and a hierarchy that left many feeling less than.


As an admin, I found myself in the tough position of having to remove not just the offensive remarks but also members who insisted on dimming the light of others. But here's the thing: I believe in the core of my being that the measure of a great counsellor isn't found in the length of their education but in the depth of their empathy, the strength of their connection with clients. Research backs this up, loud and clear. Time and again, studies show us that the most significant factor in successful counselling outcomes isn’t the stack of degrees one holds but the quality of the therapeutic relationship. 

 This conviction led me to create a haven for diploma-qualified counsellors. A place untouched by judgment, where open hearts and open minds converge. 

The DCS isn’t just a community; it’s a sanctuary where you can share your experiences, fears, and dreams without the shadow of doubt. It’s where you can find quick guidance, grow your skills, and most importantly, connect with others who understand the journey because they’re walking it alongside you.  

I wanted to build a space that celebrated our unique paths, where the conversation isn’t about who has the most letters after their name, but about how we can support each other in our mission to heal and help. In DCS, we stand together, diploma in hand, united by a belief that empathy, understanding, and genuine connection are the true hallmarks of a great counsellor. This is more than just a community; it’s a movement. Together, we're rewriting the narrative, proving that the heart of counselling lies in the magic of connection, not in the prestige of qualifications. And I’m so proud to be on this journey with each and every one of you.

Here's What You Get With the DCS

Unlike other online communities for Counsellors, here, every conversation is a chance to grow together. We believe in the power of your Diploma and the passion in your heart. It’s a place where imposter syndrome meets its match, and where your dreams get the nurturing they need to bloom

(even if you've felt like you're not good enough)

What you get with the Program

Instant access to:

All the tools, resources and templates you need to find your feet, build confidence and thrive in your private practice with your Diploma!

Monthly Peer Group Supervision calls to meet your CPD / OPD requirements

Monthly CPD / OPD Training with Assessment and Certificate of Completion 

Skill-Building Corner so you can easily build confidence with techniques, therapeutic modalities and interventions

BONUS resources, trainings, templates and printables throughout the 12 month program

Prizes and Give-Aways!

Exclusive student portal that you can access 24/7, when it works best for you around your busy schedule

On-demand training at your fingertips!

Supportive community of counsellors that also hold Diplomas, who understand what you might be going through and are here to show you what's possible when we all come together 

When you join, you get Instant Access to:

Private Practice Success Roadmap Value: $27

Authority Building Corner  Value: $97

x12 Monthly Peer Group Supervision Calls (With Certificates of Attendance!)  Value: $960

Your Very Own Supervision Journal Value: $27

Monthly Trainings (With OPD / CPD Certificates!)  Value: $960

Legal Training for Counsellors: Case Notes and Subpoenas  Value: $147

Ethical Website Marketing for Counsellors Value: $147

How to Optimise Your Facebook Business Page for Counsellors Value: $147

Private Practice Planner for Counsellors Value: $27

Re-Centering Overwhelm Workbook for Counsellors.    Value $27

The Counsellors 'I Can Do This' Workbook      Value $27

Thriving in Adversity Journal for Counsellors     Value $27

The Counsellors Mindset Reset Workbook     Value $27

Ultimate Confidence and Clarity Workbook for Counsellors     Value $27

Canva Quick Start Guide and Training     Value $27

Fee-Setting Process for Diploma Counsellors in Private Practice     Value $147

Heart-Resilience Toolkit - Including: EFT Tapping, Workbook, Resilience Challenge, Grounding Resources! Value: $247

On-Demand 24/7 Coaching in the Exclusive, Private Facebook Community so You Can Get Help When You Need it!   Value: Priceless!

And More

Total Value: $3195 Plus....

Plus these bonuses...
BONUS Number one

Complimentary Website Wellness Audit valued at $97AUD! Think of this like an Intake or Initial Assessment you'd do with a client but it's for your website. Simply book your session, fill out my questionnaire and receive a video recording of up to an hour duration, full of tips, guidance and help so that you can get your website working FOR you (instead of it just being a placeholder) and generating you inquiries, bookings, referrals and visibility!

 Total value: $97AUD

BONUS Number two

Complimentary x1 month pass to the much-loved Makers Society - the community for health and wellness professionals that want to create additional income for their business so they don't have to rely on 1:1 work to pay the bills! Valued at $97AUD p/m! Includes monthly live coaching, a resource vault and thriving community. Total Value: $97


Receive the Therapist Audience Growth Bundle and keep it forever! My members LOVE this resource because it provides a clear, easy-to-use plan for marketing their practice once they have completed the Marketing With Soul program. Value: $77AUD

And Receive These Bonuses Too! 

Value: $27

Value: $47

Value: $17


Here's What Happens When You Get Support From a Like-Minded Community That's Led By a Private Practice Expert

What My Lovely Members Are Saying ...

"Joining the DCS has been a transformative experience for me. Before I became a member, I often felt isolated and unsure about my path in the counselling field, especially with just a Diploma qualification. I was looking for a sense of belonging and direction, and that's exactly what I found here. The monthly trainings have been incredibly valuable, not just for the practical skills and knowledge they've imparted, but also for the confidence they've instilled in me" 

"Each session is thoughtfully designed to address the real challenges we face in our practice, from navigating ethical dilemmas to integrating mindfulness into our sessions. The inclusions of things like workbooks and planners, have become essential tools in my daily work, helping me to apply what I've learned in a structured and effective way. Beyond the trainings, the sense of community within the DCS is something I hadn't realised I was missing"

"Connecting with fellow counsellors who are on similar journeys has been both comforting and empowering. The group peer supervision sessions have opened my eyes to new perspectives and have become a source of support and inspiration.  The advocacy and representation provided by the DCS have given me a voice in a field where I once felt overlooked. Knowing that there's an organisation that understands and champions the value of Diploma-qualified counsellors has been incredibly affirming". 


"Overall, my experience with the DCS has been nothing short of amazing. I've gained not just professional skills and knowledge, but a deeper sense of purpose and belonging in my career. I feel equipped, supported, and valued, ready to face the challenges of my practice with confidence and resilience. Joining the DCS was one of the best decisions I've made for my career and personal growth." 

*Lisa, Counsellor, Sydney

Questions you might be asking yourself right now...
  • Is this a course?
    No it's not a course. It's a yearly support, coaching, CPD, training and community program.
  • Refunds?
    No. Due to the digital nature of this product, refunds are not provided.
  • Can I stop my payments?
    I intentionally kept the fee for joining the annual program low and I also offered the option of pay-in-four to help make it even more accessible. When you join, you're purchasing a program and therefore cannot 'stop' payments.
  • What CPD / OPD is included?
    The CPD / OPD is a monthly training plus assessment with certificate of completion that you can use towards your annual membership requirements. During your membership, you'll receive 12 trainings with assessments and with Certificates.
  • Tell me about the Peer Group Supervision
    Peer Group Supervision happens monthly for usually an hour and sometimes goes over. It includes a Certificate of Participation for your CPD / OPD requirements. The supervision process draws upon a range of approaches including Reflective Practice, Symbols and Metaphors and Mindfulness-Based Supervision. During your membership, you'll receive 12 sessions of peer supervision.
  • Skills Practice Corner
    The DCS also offers space for Counsellors that want to practice and fine-tune their skills in our Skills Practice Corner. This space is open to all members and participation is encouraged for all members, irrespective of experience.


And start helping the clients that you dreamed of helping all through your studies.

  • Total payment
  • 1xDiploma Counsellor Society | DCS$297

All prices in AUD

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Due to the digital nature of this product, refunds are not offered.